Longbow Motorcar Company Climate Statement

The Longbow Motorcar Company passionately believes that climate change is one of the most fundamental threats to our planet and society as we know it. The executive team and board of directors have witnessed the impact of weather extremes first-hand and are committed to doing everything in their power to combat the situation.

The automotive industry holds a great deal of responsibility when it comes to tackling climate change, and the Longbow Motorcar Company is proud to play its part in the revolutionary movement. The company has a clear strategy to define its ‘Route to Zero’, producing zero tailpipe emissions vehicles and contributing to putting the UK at the forefront of green motoring technology.

The Longbow Motorcar Company is undertaking comprehensive explorations of alternative circulatory and recycling outlooks for the best long-term results. In the short to medium term, Longbow Motorcar Company is paying a great deal of attention to the use of considered materials, processes and longevity in its vehicles.

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